Showing posts with label eBay Gift Certificates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eBay Gift Certificates. Show all posts

Friday 22 February 2013

eBay Users: T‬he Importance of Knowing and Following All eBay Rules

Are you an eBay member?  If so, do you consider yourself to be a relatively new eBay member?  If you have just recently started buying or selling on eBay within the past few months you may be.  As time passes, you will likely become more aware of how eBay works. For instance, if you are an eBay seller, you may find new ways to improve your eBay listings or if you are an eBay buyer, you may find new ways to get great deals.  One thing that you will likely do, overtime, is learn more about eBay’s rules.

As you likely already know, eBay is considered one of the world’s most popular online marketplaces.  eBay gives internet users, like you, the option to buy and sell online.  While giving all internet users the ability to buy and sell is nice, it can make for some problems, particularly concerning security or inappropriate content.  That is why eBay, like all other online marketplaces, has developed a set of rules or guidelines that you must follow, whether you are an eBay buyer or an eBay seller.  You should not only familiarize yourself with those rules, if you haven’t already done so, but you also need to follow them.

If you are an eBay seller, one of the most important eBay rules that you need to abide by is prohibited items.  Although just about anything can be sold on eBay, there are a few restrictions.  For instance, alcohol, drugs, pornography, and stolen merchandise are just a few of the many items that all eBay sellers, including you, are prohibited from selling.  Another eBay rule that you must follow, as an eBay seller, is to pay all of your eBay fees on time.  eBay has a set pay schedule, which you will be notified of in advance.  To be able to keep on making a profit selling merchandise on eBay, you will want to make sure that you pay your eBay fees on time.

If you are an eBay buyer, instead of an eBay seller, you will also have to know and abide by all eBay rules.  One of those rules is bidding only on items that you intend to buy.  If you place a bid on an eBay auction or if you agree to buy an item listed in a “Buy It Now,” listing format, you must do so.  That rule is stated in eBay’s guidelines.  If you do not feel that you can pay for the items that you bid on or agreed to pay for, it is best if you stay away from eBay for the time being.  Another eBay rule that you must follow is being honest with your purchases.  If you don’t receive an eBay purchase, it is fine to report that, but give it a few extra days for your item to arrive. Although eBay scams are often associated with sellers, many buyers are beginning to stir up trouble.  This involves reporting that they had not received an item, when they actually did; thus resulting in a refund, as well as the purchased item.

In most cases, you will find that it is relatively easy to get caught breaking eBay’s rules. That is why it is advised that you not only know all of eBay’s rules, but that you also abide by them. Should you not, you may end up suffering the consequences.  One of those consequences involves having your eBay account temporarily suspended or even permanently suspended.  In rare, but serious cases, the authorities may be contacted or legal action may be taken against you.  In all honesty, the action taken depends on the parties involved.
Despite the varied consequences for breaking eBay’s rules, it is extremely important that you take the time to examine all of eBay, including the sites rules, restrictions, and guidelines, before you get yourself into trouble that is difficult to get out of. For more information on eBay’s rules, visit their help center, speak to an experienced eBay user, or try and contact eBay’s customer service department.

eBay Sellers: Why You Should Have an “About Me,” Page

Are you an eBay seller?  If you are looking for ways to make money from home, there is a good chance that you may be. When it comes to working from home or making money from home, one of the first places that people turn to is eBay.  The only problem is that to make money on eBay, you must be a successful seller.  There are a number of steps that you can take to become a successful eBay seller.  One of those steps involves creating an “About Me,” page.  

If you are relatively new to selling on eBay, you may not know what an “About Me,” page is. An “About Me,” page is a webpage that allows you to write anything that you want about you, the items that you sell, or type of services that you offer.  Due to the possibility of being scammed on eBay, a large number of eBay buyers want to do business with someone that they feel they can trust.  One of the best, yet easiest ways, to go about creating trust is by creating an “About Me,” page.  Although it may seem simple to you, it actually means a lot in the eyes of many eBay buyers.  And, to be a successful eBay seller, public perception is everything.

As it was previously stated, if you are interested in creating an “About Me,” page, there is a section where you can write whatever you want to write.  If you want to be a successful eBay seller, you will want to give information that you feel could be useful to you.  For instance, if you are selling on eBay because you are a stay at home mom or dad, you may want to write that, but in a professional matter.  Explaining your purpose for being an eBay seller is a great way to get an eBay buyer to see you as a person, just like themselves.

If you consider yourself to be a fulltime eBay seller or if you specialize in a certain type of product, like kids clothing, you may want to mention that in your personalized “About Me,” section.  In addition to the samples outlined above, you will also want to add in anything else that you may find useful or something that you think will grab the attention or trust of potential buyers.  When making your own personalized “About Me,” page section, it is important that you use your best judgment.  Look at it from the perspective of an eBay buyer; what would you like to see on your own page?

In addition to your own personalized section, there are some sections that eBay automatically includes on a seller’s “About Me,” page.  One of those items is a summary of current items available for sale. For instance, if you have a number of auctions currently going, those auctions will be summarized on your “About Me,” page, for everyone to see.  All visitors are provided with a link to the auction listing, the current highest bidding price, as well as a short description of what is currently available for sale. In a way, having an “About Me,” page may also increase your chances of getting a sale, since a visitor to your page may see something that catches their eye.

eBay “About Me,” pages also commonly include information on feedback.  If you are an established eBay seller, particularly one that has a good feedback rating, this may work out to your advantage, as visitor will be able to see that you are reputable eBay seller.  If you have a number of feedback ratings, only a certain number, most commonly the recent ones, will be shown. This includes positive, negative, and neutral feedback ratings from your past eBay transactions.

Having an “About Me,” eBay page is completely optional, but, as outlined above, there are a number of benefits to having one.  With an eBay “About Me,” page only taking a few minutes to make, you are advised to at least give it a try. After all, you may be surprised with the results.

eBay Sellers: Why You Should Accept PayPal

Are you looking to become an eBay seller?  If you are interested in making money online, possibly even enough to support yourself, you just may be.  Over the past few years, eBay has revealed itself as an online market place where just about anyone, including you, can make money.

Although it is relatively easy to make money on eBay, as an eBay seller, there are a number of important factors that come into play.  For instance, you will want to have good, quality items to sell, detailed descriptions of those items, as well as easy to see pictures.  Perhaps, those are some of the most important components of becoming a successful eBay seller, but there is something else that can be just as important, your accepted methods of payment.  For the best chance of success on eBay, you will want to accept a wide range of payments, including personal checks, money orders, and PayPal.

Speaking of PayPal, PayPal is one of the most common methods of payment accepted on eBay.  Despite being one of the most preferred ways to shop on eBay, there are still a number of sellers who don’t accept PayPal as a form of payment.  If you have yet to setup your eBay seller account, you will also want to take the time to set up a PayPal account.  Of course, you can still make money on eBay without accepting PayPal as a method of payment, but your chances for success are higher when you do.  That is why it is extremely important that you at least look into getting a PayPal account.

When it comes to getting a PayPal account, you will find that you can have a personal account or a business account.  If you want to make the most out of PayPal and eBay, you will want to get a business account, as it enables to you accept credits cards as a method of payment.  The only difference between a business PayPal account and a personal PayPal account is the fees.  The fees that you are charged will vary, but you will be charged a small fee each time someone, namely an eBay buyer, sends you a payment.

Although the PayPal fees may be a turnoff for you, you should let them be.  By accepting PayPal, you are more likely to have more sales, as well as higher priced product sales, as more eBay buyers rely on PayPal to shop online.  This will essentially make the fees seem minimal, as they easily pay for themselves overtime and you are still able to make a profit.  In fact, your PayPal fees, from a business standpoint, can even be tax deductible.

One of the many reasons why eBay buyers like to use PayPal is because it gives them a sense of security.  When using PayPal to buy items on eBay, buyers do not have to actually provide you with their bank account information or their credit or debit card numbers. This information is automatically stored in PayPal’s secure system.  eBay buyers simply have to follow the instructions on the invoice that you send them, enter in their PayPal sign in information, click a few confirmation buttons and they are good to go; no important information has to exchange hands.

If you aren’t already accepting PayPal, you will want to think about the many benefits to doing so, some of which were outlined above.  For more information on PayPal, you are urged to visit PayPal’s online website, which can be found at

Thursday 21 February 2013

eBay Sellers: How You Can Use Completed Searches to Your Advantage

Are you an eBay seller? If so, are you successful at what you do?  Perhaps, the better question to ask yourself is if you are making a profit selling on eBay?  If you aren’t, there are a number of steps that you can take to increase your chances of making a sale.

When it comes to improving your chances of making a sale on eBay, your first impulse may to be change the way that your eBay items are listed for sale.  For instance, it is often suggested that you upload detailed pictures of your items, provide detailed descriptions and such. While you will want to try doing so, you will also want to focus on the items that you are trying to sell.  Your problem, with making a profit on eBay, might be the items that you have listed.  If you have a poor quality item, you may not be able to sell it, but you would still be responsible for paying your eBay fees.  In this case, you will not only be unable to make a profit, but you may also end up losing money.

When it comes to knowing which items you can profit from selling on eBay, there are many sellers who think that it is impossible to do.  While it may seem impossible, it isn’t.  Before actually trying to list a particular item for sale online, like an old music CD, you can check to see if that item has been sold on eBay before.  If that particular item was sold before, you can also figure out exactly how much money it sold for!  This will give you a good idea as to whether or not it would be worth it for you to spend the time creating your auction listings and paying eBay’s fees.  Although the decision as to whether or not you still want to post your item for sale is yours to make, it may give you inside information; inside information that you will want to take into consideration when making your decision.

To perform a search of completed auctions, you will want to perform an advanced search. The link to the advanced search form can be found by eBay’s traditional search box.  The only thing that you will to do differently is check the box labeled “Completed Listings Only.”  Your results will include auctions that meet your searching criteria, but that have already been completed.  If an item sold, its price will be outlined in green print. If an item did not sell, the asking price will be outlined, but in red print.  As previously stated, performing an eBay completed search gives you the ability to tell whether or not you have a good seller on your hands.

In fact, you can not only use a completed listing search to determine if an item you already have is worth money, but you can also use this eBay tool to help you make money.  If you are like many eBay sellers, there is a good chance that you are always on the lookout for great deals, bargains, or antiques.  Familiarizing yourself with popular eBay items, ones that can be considered “hot sellers,” is a great way to make yourself a profit on eBay.  Should you have the ability to do so, you may want to have a partner at home looking up eBay completed listings, while you are out shopping for items to sell at yard sales, flea markets, or thrift stores.

Performing an eBay completed listing search will only take a few minutes of your time.  Despite only taking a few minutes of your time, eBay completed searches can help you make money as an eBay seller, not lose it.

eBay Sellers: How to Market Your Auctions

Are you an eBay seller?  If you are, your goal is likely to make as much money as you can by selling products that you no longer need or want on eBay.  Unfortunately, there are now thousands, if not millions, of individuals who are interested in doing the same thing.  For you, this often means a steady increase in competition.  However, even with competition, you should still be able to make a profit when using eBay, but you may need a little bit of help.  That help could from marketing.

When many of us think of internet marketing, we often automatically think of online retail stores or online websites.  Although you are not running your own online retail store, you are trying to make a profit online; therefore, you are, in a way, like a retailer.  Just having your for sale items listed on eBay is enough to get your eBay items exposure, but you may want to think about taking it a step farther.  There are a number of different ways that you can go about marketing your for sale eBay items, without having to spend a dime.

Perhaps, one of the best ways to go about marketing your eBay items is by joining the eBay community, otherwise known as the online message boards.  When you talk with other eBay community members your screen name used is also your eBay name.  In the eBay community forum, every time that you start a new message or respond to an existing one your name is left, with a link to your main eBay webpage.  That is the age that outlines all of the items that you currently have available for sale.  Many eBay community members click other member’s pages just out of curiosity, but it not uncommon for someone to find something that catches their eye.  Simply starting a few conversations with other eBay community members, even just occasionally, may help to up your eBay exposure.

Another relatively easy way that you can market your eBay auction listings to the general public is by posting on a number of message boards, besides eBay.  There are a number of message boards that allow internet users, just like you, to post information on items that they have available for sale, both on and off of eBay.  Providing a link, as well as short description of some of the items that you are looking to sell is a great way to increase your eBay exposure and up your chances of making a sale. When taking this internet marketing approach, it is important that you only advertise your eBay listings in areas designated for doing so.  Spamming is not permitted on many online message boards and it may actually get you a bad reputation.

Speaking of using online message boards, there are a number of online message boards or forums that allow members to have signatures.  Signatures are where many people leave their name or a favorite quote of theirs, but some message boards allow members to use it as space to promote their products or businesses. Before posting a link to your eBay auctions, you are advised to examine the online message board’s policy concerning signature advertising.  Should it be allowed, you are advised to take advantage of this free internet marketing.  You will want to post a link to your eBay sales page, but be sure to mention that eBay is where all clickers will be going.

Another easy that you can promote your eBay items, particularly if you have multiple items for sale, is by putting a “please checkout my other eBay auctions,” message at the end of each of your eBay listings.  As with all of the other above mentioned internet marketing tactics, this is easy and free to do.

eBay Sellers: How to Deal with Difficult Customers

If you are an eBay seller, you will have to do business with eBay buyers.  As traditional retailers do, you may also have a problem with some customers. While the majority of eBay buyers are more than pleasant to deal with, there are some who can “ruffle your feathers.”  While your first thought may be to give a difficult eBay buyer a piece of your mind, you may want to refrain from doing so, especially if you rely on eBay to generate income for yourself and your family.

When it comes to dealing with difficult eBay buyers, one problem that commonly arises is with your current auction listings.  It is not uncommon to get an eBay message from a buyer requesting that you lower your price on one of your listed items.  In fact, it is not uncommon for an eBay buyer to mention that other eBay sellers have the same items listed for less.  If and when this ever happens to you, you will want to keep your cool. You should simply state that you are unable to lower your asking price.  Kindly suggest to the eBay buyer in question that if they are looking for more affordable prices, they should consider doing business with an eBay seller who offers more affordable merchandise.  The decision as to whether or not you want to lower your eBay prices is yours to make, but you should never feel pressured into doing so.

Another situation that commonly arises on eBay, concerning difficult eBay buyers, is the payment process. There are many eBay buyers who make the mistake of assuming that all eBay sellers accept the same methods of payments, but not all do.  One of the most common methods of payment accepted is PayPal.  If you currently do not have a PayPal account, you may want to look into doing so.  Regardless of what methods of payments you do accept, you are urged to outline them in your auction listings.  Yes, eBay has a section for that, but, unfortunately, not all sellers make their way down to that section.  Should you have a buyer that wants to make alternative arrangements, you need to use your best judgment.  If you cannot reach an agreement, eBay should be notified.

One of the other common problems that arise on eBay, with difficult eBay buyers, is those who refuse to pay.  With eBay, if you bid on an auction and win it, you are responsible for making payment; however, that doesn’t mean that everyone does.  When trying to request payment from a non-paying eBay buyer, you will want to stay professional when doing so. By simply sending a few reminder notices you should still be able to keep your positive image.  If you haven’t heard anything from your non-paying eBay buyer, you may want to contact eBay after about a week.  eBay has a process that allows you to get your fees back, as well as a process that will gives non-paying eBay buyers a negative feedback rating.

It is also not uncommon for an eBay buyer to be unhappy with the item that they purchased and received from you.  If this happens, you need to also use your best judgment.  To prevent a problem from occurring, you will want to make sure that you provide a detailed description of whatever you are selling, as well as numerous pictures.  It is also advised that you outline a return policy, whether or not you actually have one.  Should you have intentionally or unintentionally mislead an eBay buyer, you should make the situation right; however, stand your ground if you are being scammed or “taken for a ride.”

The above mentioned situations are just a few of the many that you may come across as an eBay seller.  No matter what situation arises, you are advised to use your best judgment and also keep your cool. In the end, you will be glad that you did.

eBay Sellers: How Photo Sharing Sites Can Save You Money

Are you an eBay seller?  If you are, you likely already know the importance of having pictures in your eBay listings.  There are a many eBay buyers who will not buy an item on eBay if they haven’t seen a picture.  In fact, many eBay buyers like to see more than one picture.  The only problem with this is that posting a number of pictures on eBay can get expensive, especially overtime.  However, there is a way that you can give your potential customers what they want, more pictures, without having to go broke while doing so.

If you are looking for a way to have multiple pictures appear in your eBay auction listings, but you are urged to examine websites that are known as photo sharing sites, if you haven’t already done so.  Photo sharing websites are sites that allow you to post digital photographs online and sometimes even videos. There are a large number of internet users who use photo sharing sites to upload and share pictures with friends and family members over the internet, but many internet users are also starting to use photo sharing websites to help combat their eBay seller fees, particularly the fees associated with having multiple pictures in an eBay auction.

If you are interested in giving photo sharing websites a try, to help you save money when selling on eBay, you will need to find a photo sharing website to use.  To find a number of photo sharing websites, you may want to perform a standard internet search.  Your standard internet search results will likely include PhotoBucket, which is a free, well-known photo sharing website.  Of course, you can use just about any photo sharing website you want, but you are advised to look into PhotoBucket, as it is free and easy to use.

Speaking of using PhotoBucket and many other online photo sharing websites, you will need to create an account.  You should be required to fill out a small form, which may request a little bit of information about yourself, like your full name or your email address.  You will also need to create login information for yourself, including a screen name and a safe password.  Once you have that finished, you should be able to use the photo sharing website in question, whether it be PhotoBucket or not, to help you start saving money.

When using a photo sharing site, you will see that different sites have different instructions that need to be followed, but the first step will be taking pictures of your eBay items.  Then you will need to upload them to your computer and then follow the photo sharing website’s instructions on how to upload your photos to their site.  In most cases, this is a relatively simple process, which tends to involve selecting a few pictures from your computer’s hard drive and then hitting an upload button.

Once your pictures have been uploaded, you should see thumbnails or smaller versions of them. With PhotoBucket there are little boxes underneath each thumbnail that can be used to select the picture or pictures of you choice.  You will want to select all of the pictures that you want listed in a particular eBay listing.  Then, you should be able to find a link that allows you to generate an HTML code.  This will lead you to another page with a lot of information on it, particularly HTML links.  Many photo sharing websites outright tell you which HTML code links you should use for eBay.  Copy the code and paste it in the description of your eBay auction listings and you are good to go; your pictures should appear.

Using a photo sharing site is optional, but it is definitely something to look into.  As an eBay seller, you want to profit as much as you can and this also involves eliminating unnecessary expenses.

eBay Gift Certificates – The Gift Solution Suitable for Everyone

We all know one. There is at least one in every family, and one in every circle of friends. There is even one in every office! There is always that one person that you know who is absolutely impossible to buy a gift for! These people either have everything, or want nothing. They don’t drop hints at all, and when asked, they simply say that they don’t know, they don’t care, or they don’t want anything.

Well, now you can buy a gift for that person. The solution lies in an eBay gift certificate! This will allow your loved one to essentially buy anything that they want, in a very exciting way. eBay gift certificates can easily be purchased through paypal, in varying amounts.

There are things that you should point out to the gift recipient, however. For instance, eBay gift
certificates do expire. eBay gift certificates will not be accepted for all auctions either – they can only
be redeemed for those auctions that accept Paypal as a form of payment. Other than that, your loved
one should not have any problems redeeming their eBay gift certificate!